
We offer for sale a shop on the main shopping street in Obzor. The store is a BOUTIQUE with large stained-glass windows, with interior granite floors. The area is fully furnished, suitable for various business. The store has a toilet and a corridor leading to the office of the store and a wonderful studio in the Vintage style. Finishing in wood, new laminate, in the office, designer hand-made tables - a pleasant atmosphere. Tiled floor. In the studio there is a laundry room with a washing machine and a microwave and a small entrance hall.
There is video surveillance throughout the facility with quality cameras for recording.
The property is excellent for investment.

Price: 128 000 €
Area: 80.00 м²
Type: Бизнес
Category: Магазины и супермаркеты
Deal type: Продажа
Completeness: АКТ 16
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