
Base of расположенна in 70 kilometres western from гр. Varna with a person on  a main road.Real estate with an area 13 067 м2.Built-up area 1392 м2, РЗП 1777 м2, built-up volume  of building of 10500 м2.Ground floor: domestic apartment, room of rest, sanitary  knot, dining-room.First floor: четыри office, locker room, sanitary knot, фоайе, засидательный hall.
List  of the produced products :
-мостовые constructions;
-конструкции for a power complex;
-метальные constructions for an industrial and civil sector ;
-ограждающих constructions;
-складское equipment
ВиК system with the тримя types of sewage networks : rain, mix up and productive.
Electric system - эл.a feed comes true from specially built for this aim  on граници area of трафопост. A main panelboard  is in independent, specially separated for this aim apartment,  at first level of building.
Gas инсталяция - set gas инсталяция is connected to "Gas-supplying of virgin Soil

Price: 1 025 641 €
Area: 10 500.00 м²
Land area: 13 067.00 м²
Type: Бизнес
Category: Других товаров
Deal type: Продажа
Completeness: АКТ 16
Нови Пазар
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