
The industrial building is situated 10 km from the city of Varna, 5 km from the airport and 7 km from the cargo port. The total area of the buildings is 4100 sq.m., the yard area is 2200 sq.m.

Price per sq.m. excl. VAT – 460 euro

The production storage base is a new building. There are built up 6 hangars from №1 up to № 6 and 24 hours guarded parking area for loading and unloading. The area of the production rooms is from 415 sq.m. up to 1300 sq.m.. There are 2 offices, 2 toilets and a separate show room in each of the production rooms. The industrial building is made up by high quality materials, the construction is metallic and built up by columns 6,2 meters high. Concrete grinding, thermo insulation on the walls and the roof. The roof is made up by light transmitting strips and in this way there is a natural daylight in the building. The door opens automatically. Water pipe with a fire shield and separate counter. Individual electricity meters. The common parts include parking area, outside lightning system and fire hydrant. There is foreseen general security for all of the hangars.


The offices in the hangars are built up by bricks and columns, the interior walls and the ceilings are built up by plasterboard. The windows are made up by glass, the floors in the hangars are covered by ceramic tiles, the floor covering in the offices is by laminate. There are aluminum front doors and MDF interior doors. There are vestibule, hall, toilet and stairs in the offices on the first floor. The offices on the second floor are composed of vestibule, hall, household room bathroom and toilet, stairs.



Store №1 : 595, 52 sq.m.., price 273 939 euro

Store №3: 661, 58 sq.m, price 304 327 euro

Store №4: 684, 52 sq.m., price 314 879 euro

Store №5: 422, 66 sq.m., price 194 424 euro

Price: 1 087 670 €
Area: 2 364.00 м²
Land area: 2 200.00 м²
Type: Бизнес
Category: Здания общего назначения
Deal type: Продажа
Completeness: АКТ 16
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