
Error message

Notice: Undefined variable: oldpath in rkreal_site_facet_items_alter() (line 345 of /var/www/html/rkreal.ru/sites/all/modules/custom/rkreal_site/rkreal_site.module).
Price: 332 200 €
22 €/м²
Земельный участок
For building
The plot is located 12 km away from the Black Sea resort Albena, the plot’s face to the main road is 645. The other side of the plot borders on Batovska river. The beautiful place is located in the region of Batovo, among green fields and forests. The plot is situated between two wildlife
Land area: 15 100.00 м²
Вы можете связяться с нами:
По телефону
+359 (52) 608 808 - Болгария, Варна
+359 (888) 42 555 4 - Болгария мобильный
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