
Error message

Notice: Undefined variable: oldpath in rkreal_site_facet_items_alter() (line 345 of /var/www/html/rkreal.ru/sites/all/modules/custom/rkreal_site/rkreal_site.module).
Vratsa county
Price: 400 000 €
Продуктов питания
The bakery is located in the ideal center  of the town, on a very communicative place with considerable flow of people. The excellently functioning business offers opportunity for successful investment and long term development.
Area: 760.00 м²
Вы можете связяться с нами:
По телефону
+359 (52) 608 808 - Болгария, Варна
+359 (888) 42 555 4 - Болгария мобильный
По электронной почте
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